
Get to know them by clicking on their names below.
The TEDx-event couldn't be realized without the following mentors, so pecial thanks to all the help and support we receive from Gábor, Ákos, Zsuzska, and Viki from the Communications, Marketing, and Recruitment Office, as well as Gábor from the Faculty of Social Sciences' Dean’s Office.
Youstina Azer—Licensee, Main Organiser, Sponsorship Manager
Youstina Azer from Egypt; I initiated the project, make sure we coply with TED standards and keep in touch with sponsors
ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences, International Relations BA
Favourite TED talk
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: The danger of a single story & Tim Urban: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator
I wanted to create an inspiring platform for ELTE and, as I believe in the impact of stories, I thought that TEDx would be the best choice. And even before starting the project I knew it is not going to be easy, but I took the plunge, and I am truly happy for the rewarding experience that I gained and the amazing people I have met.
Réka Heszterényi—Co-organiser, Curator, Public Relations Manager
Réka Heszterényi from Hungary; my tasks include team management, helping the speakers in the preparation as well as managing the internal and external communications of TEDxELTE
ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences, International Relations BA + Communications associate at Foundation for Democratic Youth
Favourite TED talk
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: We should all be feminists & Emily Esfahani Smith: There's more to life than being happy
TED is about inspiring stories, knowledge and different perspectives - these are all values I subscribe to. I dove into this project because I experienced up close how narratives shape our identity and how the stories we tell affect our lives. I believe there’s a TED talk for almost every situation in life, and if not, we are a part of making it so.
Eszter Nagy—Social Media Manager, Head of Social Media Team, Website Manager
Eszter Nagy from Hungary; my tasks include managing and coordinating the event’s promotion to the public for TEDxELTE and manage the website
ELTE Faculty of Education and Psychology, Psychology BA
Favourite TED talk
Jonathan Haidt: The moral roots of liberals and conservatives
At first, I volunteered, because I was a huge fan of TED talks and TED-Ed videos. After that, working on this project taught me some practical skills that I hadn’t possessed up until that point. I became a richer person by meeting my teammates, learning from them and sometimes on my own some more abstract skills as well: how to coordinate work, be more flexible with time and tasks or manage problems. So in a nutshell, I’m here to learn.
Ibrahim Alhendawi—Video Lead
Ibrahim Alhendawi from Syria; I filmed, directed and edited the video's campaign for the event
ELTE Faculty of Humanities, Film making MA
Favourite TED talk
Melissa Fleming: Let's help refugees thrive, not just survive
I believe that every one of us is a storyteller, we love to share ideas, to improve our knowledge, and to exchange thoughts with others. This is how we inspire and get inspired, how we learn and improve, this is how we live!
Éva Papp—Event Manager
Éva Papp from Hungary; I make sure that everything goes according to plan during the event
ELTE Faculty of Education and Psychology, Psychology BA and I'm a social work assistant helping troubled families
Favourite TED talk
Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability
I believe that sharing personal experience is the best way to connect with people. Once someone has this connection it can be used to educate, entertain or inspire. I adore TED talks since they connect many people all around the world with the help of personal stories. As an organiser I can be a part of this process.
Anja Gavrić—Social Media Manager
Anja Gavrić from Bosnia and Herzegovina; I keep our followers updated on Instagram and write posts for Facebook
ELTE Faculty of Humanities, English and American Studies BA
Favourite TED talk
James Veitch: This is what happens when you reply to spam email
I am helping in organizing TEDxELTE in order to learn new skills and further develop the ones I already have. This event is bringing something fresh to our university and it feels amazing to be a part of it. Additionally, it has introduced to me great new friends which I probably would not have a chance to meet beforehand.
Farnaz Ghandi—Graphic designer
Farnaz Ghandi from Iran; I design the material as well as posters, banners, tags and help the social media group to make the posts more interesting and tangible by visual designs
ELTE Faculty of Humanities, English and American Studies BA (Film and Culture specialization), also I'm working as a Barista as well as a freelance photographer and graphic designer
Favourite TED talk
Isadora Kosofsky: Intimate photos of a senior love triangle
Ted Talks were the main material that I learnt English from and I always had desire to work as an organizer with a Tedx group, I think Tedx is good opportunity to show myself and help this powerful organization.
Sziszi Xi Li—Photographer, Videographer, Website Manager
Sziszi Xi Li from China and Hungary; I take pictures of the team, make interviews and manage the website
ELTE Faculty of Humanities Communication and Media Science, Film minor BA
Favourite TED talk
Jane Goodall: Helping humans and animals live together & Tim Urban: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator
TED talks are a great example of learning in a non-traditional way. Everyone can find a video about a topic that inspires them. These speeches have impact on people, they make them think and act about serious issues which is a decisive step towards ending apathy. That is what's so great about these events. I wanted to join not only to be a part of that, but also to broaden my horizon and learn about other cultures, since we have an international team.
Luca Anna Demény—Social Media Manager
Luca Anna Demény from Hungary; I am mainly responsible for writing posts for TEDxELTE's Facebook page
ELTE Faculty of Humanities, Liberal Arts BA, specializing in Aesthetics. Besides my studies I have been working as a social journalist and I am currently writing online articles for National Geographic Hungary
Favourite TED talk
Andrew Solomon: How the worst moments in our life makes us who we are
I wanted to join the mission of TEDxELTE because I believe through knowledge we can empower ourselves and each other. By contributing with my work, I hope to help in this progress at our university.
Majd Hammoudeh—Curator
Majd Hammoudeh from Jordania; my tasks include supporting main organizers with sponsorship and speakers' relations (interviews, check the complaince of speeches with TEDx guidelines and coordinating coaching sessions)
ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences, Sociology Phd
Favourite TED talk
Will Bowen: A world without complaining
TED Talks have inspired me, affected my mindset and life, changed some of my habits for the better, and now is time and opportunity came to give back for this community and spread the word.
Dasha Beschastnova—Photographer
Dasha Beschastnova from Russia; I make sure to capture the memorable moments of TEDxELTE
ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences, International Relations BA
Favourite TED talk
Lera Boroditsky: How language shapes the way we think
I'm organising TEDxELTE as I've always wanted to take part in organising something on such a large scale!
Wasim Dimashky—Head of Design
Wasim Dimashky from Syria
ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences, Dentistry DDS. Health Policy, Planning and Financing Msc
Favourite TED talk
Mouhannad Malek: 200 dollars and 300 brains: promoting science in the Arabic world
It's always great to help people delivering their ideas.
Soufiane Boulassel—Event Manager
Soufiane Boulassel from Algeria; I help in preparing the event, and oversee the roles happening on the big day
ELTE Faculty of Sciences, Department of Regional Science, PhD
Favourite TED talk
Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action
TED is a huge platform aiming to inspire, develop and spread science all over the world. So far it helped to change our vision, sustain and improve our life quality in all fields. It is simply an icon of success, followed by many TEDx examples. And as a member of TEDxELTE and event manager I consider TEDxELTE my home where we (all) could host this success, feel it and be part of it. That is the reason we are all here.